Who Is At Risk From Developing Gallstones And Gall Bladder Symptoms?
There are many different theories as to what the cause of gallstones is. Some schools of thought say that this condition is caused by a person’s diet, while some others say that this condition is the result of an infection, and others say the condition is caused by the normal aging of the human body.
When gallstones are present the following symptoms may show themselves: abdominal pains, bloating, indigestion, possible pains in the upper back, occasional nausea, and occasional diarrhea.
Who Is At Risk Of Developing Gallstones?
So who is at risk of developing gallstones and suffering from gallbladder attacks?
Gall Bladder Symptoms Women Are More Predominant Than In Men
In general more women are diagnosed from gallstones than men do. It is also noted that it is more likely for a woman over the age of forty to have the signs and symptoms of the condition than it is for a younger woman to have them. The reason for this strong relation can be traced back to the widespread use of contraceptive pills and hormone replacement therapy.
Pregnant women have the condition more frequently than non pregnant women of the child bearing age do. This is because during the period of pregnancy the bile in the liver contains higher concentrations of cholesterol than it does when the woman is not pregnant.
High Cholesterol
Although for the majority of people gallstones are mainly made up of cholesterol.
There a strong connection between the gallbladder, high cholesterol and the heart and the reason is that the liver and the gallbladder regulate blood cholesterol level.
People who are obese frequently have this condition more often than people who are at a normal weight. People who suffer from the disease known as Crohns also have higher instances of this condition.
Gallbladder Symptoms In Women
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Crohn’s disease
People with Crohn’s disease often tend to have gallstonea more so than healthy individuals.
Sickle Cell Anaemia
Individuals with diseases like sickle cell anaemia that destroy the red blood cells also tend to be at a higher risk factor for gallstones.
Cirrhosis Of The Liver
Patients that suffer from cirrhosis of the liver also tend to get the condition more frequently.
People Over The Age Of 40
People over the age of forty are at higher risks of gallstone development..
People With Elevated Triglycerides
and all people who have elevated triglycerides have an increased risk of the condition.
The above are risk factors that elevate your chances of getting gallstones, but know that there are ways to dissolve gallstones instead of having them surgically removed.