Gallbladder Diet

24 hr. Pain Relief & No Surgery

  • Symptoms

  • Gallbladder Diet

  • How To Identify Pain

  • Avoid Surgery

  • Gallstone Cause

  • Symptoms In Women

  • Abdominal Pain


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What is a Gallbladder, and How Does It Function?

About the Gallbladder

The gallbladder is located in the upper right quadrant of your abdomen, right below your liver. The gallbladder stores bile, which helps your body break down fats that you digest. Your gallbladder is part of your biliary system, which acts as the storage space for your bile. The biliary system does not produce the bile. Rather, it holds the bile that is not currently used by your body. It is the liver that makes your body’s bile. When there is food in the digestive tract that needs to be digested, your small intestine sends a signal to the gallbladder to release bile to aid in the digestion of fat. This signal takes place by secreting a hormone called cholecystokinin.

Cholecystitis Is the Most Common Gallbladder Issue

With the prevalence of the Standard American Diet (SAD), and the lack of physical activity that is a normal part of the life of many Americans, gallbladder issues such as gallstones and other diseases have become more and more common.
Among the many issues that one can experience as a result of gallbladder problems is cholecystitis. Cholecystitis is what is known as inflammation of the gallbladder. Even though this disease is usually due to the presence of gallstones, it can also come about as a result of an infection or a chemical irritation. If you have cholecystitis without gallstones, it is called acalculous cholecystitis. Stagnant bile is the number one cause of acalculous cholecystitis and many other digestive issues. Stagnant bile is also the number one suspect for recurrent migraines and headaches.

The Causes of Gallbladder Problems

Gallbladder problems can be caused by a variety of physical ailments. Some of the causes of gallbladder issues include the following maladies:

  • Constipation
  • Diabetes
  • Food allergies
  • Heredity
  • High fat diets
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Low fiber diets
  • Obesity
  • Oral contraceptives
  • Rapid weight loss

Gallstones Can Be Dissolved Naturally and Painlessly

Learn how it works

Excessive Protein Consumption

Excessive Protein Consumption

Excessive protein consumption causes thickening of the basement membranes of the blood vessels, (arteries and capillaries), as well as those in the liver sinusoids. This starts a cascade reaction that culminates in the accumulation of protein fibers in the liver and the excretion of crystallized clumps of cholesterol deposits that we know as gallstones.

Fried Foods

Gallbladder Diet: No Fried Food

These foods require the use of bile to digest and can thus exacerbate gallbladder symptoms.

High Fat Foods

Gallbladder Diet: No Fatty Food

Any food that is high in fat triggers gallbladder attacks. High fat requires bile to digest. This includes olive oil and other vegetables oils and almond butter.

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Hydrogenated Oils

Gallbladder Diet: No Margarine

These are referred to as plastic oils or trans fats. They cannot be used by the body and become obstructive, blocking eliminatory pathways and covering vital tissues within the liver. Hydrogenated oils are found in most packaged snacks and conventional breads. In fact, as per CNN, as of 2015, food manufacturers have been given 3 years to completely phase-out of trans fats.[1]

Pork and Meats

Gallbladder Diet: No Pork and Meats

Pork and most conventionally raised meats are high in fats that lead to increased inflammation. Because most conventional meats are high in antibiotics and hormones, when you consume them, they must be metabolized in the liver. This generates stress and congestion of the liver.

Sugar and Simple Carbohydrates

Gallbladder Diet: No Sugar

Sugar and simple carbohydrates – A 1986 medical study that spanned over 12 years found that a high sugar diet leads to the formation of gallstones.
“Our findings suggest that a high intake of carbohydrate, glycaemic load, and glycaemic index increases the risk of symptomatic gall stone disease in men. These results add to the concern that low-fat high carbohydrate diets may not be an optimal dietary recommendation.” [1]
Furthermore, according to recent research from the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, refined sugar, such as high-fructose corn syrup, found in most processed foods and beverages, not only considerably increases your risk of breast cancer, but raises the chances of a tumor spreading to other organs – metastasis. [3]

All Foods That Cause Inflammation or Allergic Reactions In You

Gallbladder Diet: No Foods Causing Inflammation

As toxic substances are filtered and accumulate in the liver over time, the bile becomes stagnant and toxic. This causes inflammation. It is this inflammation what actually causes allergies. So how does this relate to gallbladder problems? When you have irritating substances in the biliary system, you are going to have inflammation of the bile ducts. Combine this with hardened deposits in transit, and you have a formula for pain.

Are Your Symptoms Related To Gallstones?

Dairy Products

Gallbladder Diet: No Dairy Products

Lactose in dairy is indigestible by humans and is mucous forming. Prolonged exposure to dairy brings about inflammation. Any high protein consumption, including dairy, also causes gallstones. Add to this all the antibiotics and hormones that are given to cows over their lifetime that is passed down to those who drink their milk. All of this gets processed in the human liver.

Processed Foods

Gallbladder Diet: No Processed Foods

All processed foods come loaded with additives like nitrates/nitrites, unhealthy fats and a high bacterial count (added as fermenting agents) that overtime cause liver congestion and the rise of toxic compounds there in. As the bile becomes thicker, toxic compounds crystallize into gallstones. On the other hand, the American Institute for Cancer Research, AIRC labels processed meat as a carcinogen within the same group agents as cigarettes, “1.75 ounce, or about two strips of bacon — of processed meat eaten daily increases the risk of colorectal cancer by 18%” [4] [5] [6]

By definition, “processed meats” refer to any meat that is preserved by smoking, curing, salting or adding chemical preservatives. Examples of processed meats include ham, bacon, hot dogs, sausage, luncheon meats, salami, canned meats, and so forth.

Why I Refused To Have Gallbladder Surgery

Dealing with gallbladder disease will never be easy, but distressing symptoms can be ameliorated by following tips.

While some of them may seem to be common sense, making a valiant effort to abide by these tips can make things a bit easier when it comes to mealtimes and digestion. Following these tips can also make issues like gallstones and inflammation less likely to occur.

Do Not Eat When You Are Stressed

This may seem like a somewhat strange tip, but following it can do wonders for your digestion at mealtimes. By reducing stress when you eat and throughout your life, you can make your digestion system even stronger. This is because your gallbladder and liver, like the rest of your body, responds negatively to stress. Being relaxed at mealtimes makes your gallbladder operate in the way that it should.

Do Not Overeat

Bingeing on food can cause a variety of problems, but gallbladder disease is especially pernicious due to the fact that it’s hard to identify if you don’t undergo a battery of tests. Since a large onslaught of food in one sitting can tax your digestive system, you should eat most of your meals in moderation. As a general guideline eat 75% of your ‘full capacity.’

A common complaint amongst gallstone sufferers is: “I am pretty sure you have mentioned every food group out there, so what is there to eat?”

Know this: unless you address the underlying cause of gallbladder attacks and take the necessary steps to reduce liver and gallbladder congestion, managing foods is most certainly going to become more difficult with time. Therefore, cleanse these organs, and your food sensitivities will be diminished or disappear altogether.

At this point, you can go back to eating normal, just as long as you do not eat the same types of foods that caused the gallstones to begin with.

The Foods That Help Your Digestion

The following foods are easier for your body to digest and are great for people with gallbladder disease:

  • Gallbladder Diet: Lean Protein
    Lean proteinWhen eating on a gallbladder diet, consider buying more fish (wild caught), bison, and protein powder. Eating lean proteins can help relieve stress on your gallbladder and liver.
  • Gallbladder Diet: Raw Food
    Raw food eating plan: If you eat a diet that is higher in fruits, vegetables, seeds and toasted nuts, you are less likely to deal with gallstones. But mind you, once you have gallbladder attacks, nuts become triggers for attacks.
  • Gallbladder Diet: Raw Food
    Vegetables: Eating more vegetables, especially artichokes, dandelion greens, and beets, aids with bile flow in your body and liver.
  • Gallbladder Diet: Sunflower Seeds
    Seeds: Seeds, especially hemp, chia, pumpkin and flax seeds are easier to digest and reduces the rate of inflammation that you may experience. However, beware of eating too many of these seeds at one time as you don’t want to eat too much fat at one sitting. When eating these seeds, aim for 1-2 tablespoons at one sitting.
  • Gallbladder Diet: High Fiber Foods
    High fiber diet: Eating a high-fiber diet can help reduce your risk of gallstones. Aim for getting at least 30-40g of fiber a day.
  • Gallbladder Diet: Coconut Oil
    Coconut oil: Coconut oil is among the easiest fats for your body to digest. Like seeds, you will not want to consume too much in one sitting, or no more than 1 Tablespoon.

Gallbladder Diet Charts

Meats And Eggs

Foods That Trigger Gallbladder Attack Substitute Foods That Do Not Trigger Gallbladder Attack
EggsCooking: make your own egg substitute with chia seeds*
Pork (meat, bacon, and ham)
Red meat
Fowl (chicken, turkey)
Processed meats (sausages, salami, smoked meats, corned beef, gammon, hot dogs, etc)
Wild caught, cold-water fish white fish (salmon, trout); avoid all farmed raised fish and those high in mercury

* See Gallbladder Diet Ebook for the recipes. Get it for free.

© Copyright 2017 Doctor Eden LLC

Grease And Oils

Foods That Trigger Gallbladder Attack Substitute Foods That Do Not Trigger Gallbladder Attack
Greasy FoodsVirgin coconut oil (In moderation)
Fried Foods
Trans fats, partially hydrogenated oils (Food that contain them)
Animal based and vegetable oils

© Copyright 2017 Doctor Eden LLC


Foods That Trigger Gallbladder Attack Substitute Foods That Do Not Trigger Gallbladder Attack
Butter, lard, spreads, margarine, ghee Non-cashew based vegan spreads alternatives, non-hydrogenated soy spreads
All dairy milk and yoghurts Almond milk(delicious creamy alternative, available in most supermarkets), pea milk (in health foods)
Dairy ice creamFrozen banana and fruit ice cream (5-minute DIY recipe - tastes the same or better)*
Dairy Cheese, creamNon-cashew based vegan cheese alternatives
Creamy dairy based sauces and dressings, such as mayonnaise Vegan mayonnaise vinaigrettes, on-oil based tomato-based sauces, lemon juice, fat-free salad dressings, salsa, balsamic dressing

* See Gallbladder Diet Ebook for the recipes. Get it for free.

© Copyright 2016 Doctor Eden’s LLC

Sweeteners And Beverages

Foods That Trigger Gallbladder Attack Substitute Foods That Do Not Trigger Gallbladder Attack
Sugar (all sugary foods and beverages)
All artificial sweeteners & high fructose corn syrup
Honey**, maple syrup (both in moderation)
Coffee (regular, decaf) Coffee substitutes (Capomo (maya nut), chicory nut) similar taste to coffee; herbal tea (except black tea)
Soda, sugary beverages, fruit juices (except apple juice) Fruit infused spring water* cold herbal tea (except black tea), organic unsweetened grape or apple juice, watermelon juice, all vegetable juices extracts (except cabbage)
Alcohol, beer, liqueur, vine Kombucha tea*, (effervescent tea that mimics champagne, can be cultured at home or purchased), herbal tea (except black tea)
Citrus fruits (oranges, graipfruit)
Black tea
Diluted lemon juice, vegetable juices, any other herbal teas
Tap water Spring water, remineralized distilled water, or Reverse Osmosis Water*

* See Gallbladder Diet Ebook for the recipes. Get it for free.

** Beware of falsely-branded honey with high fructose corn syrup added

© Copyright 2017 Doctor Eden LLC

Grains, Seeds, And Vegetables

Foods That Trigger Gallbladder Attack Substitute Foods That Do Not Trigger Gallbladder Attack
Gluten (wheat, barley, rye) Teff
Simple Carbohydrates (All wheat products), baked goods and refined grains such as whole grain & white bread, pizza crust, pretzels, hamburger buns, and muffins, snacks, cakes, biscuits, chips, cookies, bagels. Teff-bread*, teff-injera*, millet bread, low-fat non-GMO popcorn, dried fruit and vegetables, rice cakes, Kale Chips*
Beans (except soy beans), Corn (Especially genetically modified corn GMO) Lentils, Quinoa
Onions, Avocados, Turnips, Cabbage, Cauliflower
Spicy foods
All vegetables
Except those in left column

* See Gallbladder Diet Ebook for the recipes. Get it for free.

© Copyright 2017 Doctor Eden LLC

Do Not Simply Reject Some Food

Modifying your diet and identifying the foods that are most likely going to cause gallbladder problems will only help as long as you continue to stay away from such foods. However, as gallstones grow or become more numerous, your sensitivity to other foods will also continue to grow forcing you to have to add new foods to your “Do Not Eat” list.

Do Detox!

There is an alternative approach to dealing with gallbladder pain and food sensitivities. By cleansing the gallbladder and liver of the cause of the symptoms using a comprehensive natural gallstone dissolution and elimination program, Pain can disappear and food sensitivities can gradually be reduced, and sometimes disappear quite dramatically.

The Pulverexx Protocol

If you already have gallbladder issues and want a solution that can potentially reverse the condition, then a more proactive approach should be taken, one that can actually dissolve and cleanse the gallbladder and liver of its accumulated toxicity and congestion.  The Pulverexx Protocolis a great way to not only dissolve calcified and cholesterol gallstones but to clear your liver, gallbladder, mucus and stagnant bile. The Pulverexx Protocol is a good solution for those who not only want a powerful way to dissolve gallstones but to cleanse their digestive system in a way that allows it to run at optimal levels.

Gallbladder Diet

Diet solutions for gallbladder health in Canada & the USA

Millions of North Americans are seeking healthy ways to improve their diet and heal their struggling digestive systems. Food sensitivities, indigestion, allergies and post-meal pain are just some of the many health problems that arise from an imbalanced or poor diet. Now there’s an easy way to know what you need to eat, and stop eating, for liver and gallbladder health. The Pulverexx Protocol™ was designed with your optimal digestion and healing in mind. Right now, you can try it risk-free and find out what so many other people have already discovered.

Introducing the Pulverexx Protocol

Learn how it works and what it is made from


  • [1] Christensen, Jen (June 16, 2015) .”FDA orders food manufacturers to stop using trans fat within three years“. CNN. Retrieved 2016-05-31.
  • [2] Tsai CJ, Leitzmann MF, Willett WC, Giovannucci EL., “Dietary carbohydrates and glycaemic load and the incidence of symptomatic gall stone disease in men.”, Division of Digestive Diseases and Nutrition, University of Kentucky Medical Center, Gut. 2005 Jun;54(6):823-8.
  • [3] Yan Jiang et al, A Sucrose-Enriched Diet Promotes Tumorigenesis in Mammary Gland in Part through the 12-Lipoxygenase Pathway, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
  • [4] FAQ: Processed Meat and Cancer“ 2016-05-31.
  • [5] Bacon, John (October 26, 2015). “Hot dogs, bacon, processed meats linked to cancer“ 2016-05-31.
  • [6] Santarelli RL1, Pierre F, Corpet DE., “Processed meat and colorectal cancer: a review of epidemiologic and experimental evidence,” Nutr Cancer. 2008;60(2):131-44. doi: 10.1080/01635580701684872.
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Gallbladder Diet


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