Prevalence of GallBladder Symptoms Is Most Common In These Individuals
More Common In Women Than In Men
Here are some facts that you may find of particular interest. In western countries, typical gallbladder symptoms seem to be more prevalent in women than in men. Women have the most frequent occurrences of these painful symptoms. The reason why some of the women will be even more prone to having them than others is because gallstone development seems to be related to anti-pregnancy pill use as well as hormone replacement (estrogen) medications. This seems to be one of the reasons why gall bladder symptoms in women take place more frequently than in men.
Symptoms of Gallbladder also tend to be more common with women who are past the age of forty.
More Common In Countries With Western Diets
Gallbladder Symptoms seem to take place more often in countries with western diets and pharmaceutical medicines than those with more native customs and diets. In general western diets tend to be high in artificial additives and chemical constituents that are present in the foods for preservation but offer no nutrition but nonetheless they contribute to liver congestion. Diets high in fats tend to require more concentrated bile in order to be digested and if the bile is already acidic or with a high cholesterol saturation it will have a tendency to solidify or form what we know as gallstones which eventually lead to gallbladder symptoms.
Native Americans And Hispanic Females Are More Prone
Native Americans are more likely to have the condition than some other races. Hispanic females are also more apt to contract complications with the gallbladder than Caucasians do. This may be due to dietary choices that are passed from one cultural generation to another, including the prevalence in high meat consumption. So the foods that different cultures eat may actually play a higher part in the formation of gallstones that the theory of inheriting gallbladder problems.
Obese individuals stand a greater chance of suffering from gall bladder symptoms than people of the average weight will. This is thought to be because related to dietary choices as well as to insulin resistance.
Dietary Modifications
For a more holistic approach to gallbladder pain, one that will not only help dissolve gallbladder stones but one that will help cleanse your liver and try this program.