Juice Recipes for Removing Gallstones Naturally
Are there any juicing recipes for the prevention on a gallbladder attack?
Natural juices can be used to help those that are prone to gallbladder problems. Throughout history juice extracts have been used for their ability to detoxify as well as help dissolve and break apart gallstone formations.
The Role Of The Gallbladder
The gallbladder plays a key role in our digestive process. It is a small, pear-shaped organ which is located just under the liver and it stores bile and toxins that are manufactured in the liver. When we eat, the level of fat content in our meals will trigger the gallbladder to release a precise concentration and volume of bile into the small intestine. Once there, it goes to work breaking down, (emulsifying) the fat molecules into tiny particles which can be digested and used for energy. As well, bile helps us to absorb fat-soluble vitamins.
Due to a number of health factors including age, gender, obesity, diabetes, massive weight loss, hormone fluctuations or medications- just to name a few- the gallbladder may fill up with tiny, hard pebbles called gallstones. Gallstones can range from tiny crystals to large marbles and will lead to severe pain and inflammation if they move into a bile duct. Bile duct blockages often cause upper, right abdominal pain, bloating, nausea and vomiting. Chronic inflammation due to gallstones may lead increased risk of a gallbladder attack. If you experience increased pain or other symptoms, visit your primary care physician for diagnosis.
Cucumber, Carrot, Beetroot
Blend together a vegetable juice containing juice from 1 cucumber, 1 carrot and 1 beetroot. Beets are antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and promote healthy bile flow. As well, they contain betaine which is essential for healthy liver function and known to reduce levels of toxic Homocysteine. Carrots, high in vitamin C are believed to help reduce calcium deposits and cucumber is high in water content and soothing for digestion.
Lemon Juice
Lemon juice is popular among those who want to avoid a gallbladder attack. Try lemon juice. A number of formulas and “flushes” exist which utilize the natural medicinal benefits of lemon. Drinking straight lemon juice on an empty stomach an empty stomach is one option. The intention is to dissolve existing gallstones by breaking down calcifications. lemon juice is also believed to reduce cholesterol production in the liver, therefore reducing its collection in the gallbladder.
Apple Cider Vinegar And Grapefruit
Apple cider vinegar and grapefruit juice are believed to have some of the same antioxidant and anti-cholesterol properties so they are often mixed in with lemon gallbladder juices.
There are also plenty of popular recipes for lemon juice mixtures. One common remedy contains lemon juice, epsom salts and olive oil.
Garlic Paste, Lemon Juice And Olive Oil
Another, garlic paste, lemon juice and olive oil. It is typically recommended to mix liquid ingredients together in equal parts, (3-4 cloves of crushed, fresh garlic) and drink the mixture on an empty stomach each morning for a month.
Epsom Salts
The most important drink you can consume daily is water and lots of it. Flushing the system with plenty of fresh water will help keep bile levels optimal, flush toxins and excess cholesterol from the system.