Natural Relief For Your Gallbladder Symptoms
Unless it is causing painful symptoms, gallbladders are often overlooked but important organs. A small pouch located just under the liver, it stores and regulates the greenish-yellow bile created by the liver for digestion of our dietary fat and fat-soluble vitamins.
When we eat a meal that contains fat, signals sent to the gallbladder cause it to release a carefully concentrated amount of cholesterol, bile salts and bilirubin mixture which emulsifies fat globules for digestion. It also makes possible the absorption of vitamin A, D, E and K.
Many factors can contribute to sluggish gallbladder symptoms or the formation of gallstones that inhibit its function. Without the correct amounts of bile available, a person will not only experience digestive disturbances such as gas, bloating and diarrhea, but a stone blocking a bile duct can lead to severe, sudden pain known as a gallbladder attack. Chronic blockages or thickened bile will also cause inflammation known as cholecystitis.
Doctors offer gallstone treatment in the form of pain medication or gallbladder removal surgery. Typically, the negative effects of removing a gallbladder are somewhat downplayed. You can certainly live without one, but the inadequate and unregulated bile that results can lead to a lifetime of gastrointestinal discomfort and dietary restrictions. Below are some natural and safe ways to improve gallbladder symptoms and improve function to reduce discomfort. Keep in mind that in cases of infection, prolonged, intractable pain or jaundice, medical attention is needed.
If pain experience is chronic, lasts several hours or is accompanied by fever and chills, you should seek medical attention. In the case of infection, medical treatment is required. Gallstones complications can lead to:
Apple Cider Vinegar
Sip raw apple cider vinegar and lemon juice diluted- a few tablespoons to a glass of water. These increase bile production and sooth inflammation, so they can be helpful to dislodge a stone or ease pain.
Turmeric also has powerful anti-inflammatory properties and is known to increase bile production, so it can be helpful added to hot tea or mixed in water and drank while experiencing a gallbladder attack. In the long term this is a healthy item to incorporate into your diet.
Magnesium deficiency may lead to gallstone formation and its anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic properties help to relax and soothe inflamed tissue. Try mixing one teaspoon of magnesium in hot water to drink and repeat every few hours as needed.
A healthy lifestyle that includes daily exercise will typically reduce cholesterol levels and this can reduce the formation of stones which are made of cholesterol. Obesity is a risk factor for gallstone formation so do everything you can to stay in shape and keep body fat at a healthy level.
A healthy diet is very important to keep your gallbladder functioning well. In fact, if you are already experiencing gallbladder symptoms.
You’ll need to cut some things out completely to give your gallbladder a break and reduce pain.
These include:
- Fried food
- Saturated, hydrogenated and most animal fats
- Processed and packaged foods like cookies and cakes
- High sugar foods
- Caffeine and alcohol
- Red Meat and Poultry
Try adding:
- Green leafy vegetables
- Nuts, seeds and healthy oils like coconut and olive oil
- Fish and legumes
- Apple cider vinegar
- Beets, artichokes and other liver-friendly plants
Eventually you can reintroduce butter, cream, yogurt and cheese as well as some caffeine but while you are experiencing symptoms it is best to stop completely and allow your gallbladder to recover.