Check Your Gallbladder Symptoms With This Handy Guide
If you suffer from gallbladder symptoms, you’re not alone. You share post-meal discomfort and frustration with over 20% of females and 10% of males in the US. The symptoms have similarities to other health and diet problems, so understanding how to identify your gallbladder dysfunction is an important step toward restoring health and feeling great again.
The gallbladder is a small, roughly 4-inch pouch, which sits just beneath the liver on the upper right of your abdomen. This pear-shaped organ’s role is one of bile storage and management. Bile is created in the liver to help with digestion of fats and fat-soluble vitamins in your diet. The gallbladder stores and concentrates this liquid to release precise amounts when triggered by the contents of our meals.
Bile contains a mixture of cholesterol, bile salts and pigments such as bilirubin.
When out of balance, excess cholesterol levels and overly concentrated bile can lead to small, hard stones forming in the gallbladder. Stones are typically made from cholesterol but can contain pigment as well. Though gallstones don’t necessarily cause gallbladder symptoms, staying “silent”, when one of them shifts into a bile duct it can lodge there, causing immense pain known as biliary colic, or a gallbladder attack.
These attacks may begin as infrequent and last between 15 minutes to a few hours. Unchecked, however, the episodes may increase in frequency and severity over time.
Biliary Colic ( Abdominal Pain)
If you have gallstones, your gallbladder symptoms may include:
- Pain in the center of your abdomen
- Pain under the right side of your ribs
- Pain that spreads to the right shoulder blade or mid back
- The pain stays constant and is not relieved by changes in position or bowel movements.
- Pain may occur within 2 hours of eating- especially a meal high in fat, fried or spicy food
- Pain can set in at night- waking you from sleep
- There may be several weeks or months between episodes. This level of frequency and severity is known as uncomplicated gallstone disease.
Other, which are considered to be more severe and may become complicated include:
- Pain lasting longer than several hours
- Pain accompanied by a fever, sweating or chills
- Regular occurrences of post-meal pain, regardless of food type eaten
- Increased heart rate
- Jaundice (yellowing skin and whites of eyes as well as itchy skin)
- diarrhea
- Nausea and Vomiting
- Loss of appetite
Severe gallbladder symptoms do not always necessitate surgical gallbladder removal or, cholecystectomy, however these symptoms require medical attention because they may indicate infection or a protracted blockage.
When you first begin to notice signs of gallbladder sluggishness and dysfunction, you can take action and naturally reduce pain while improving your liver and gallbladder health.
Counteract gallbladder symptoms naturally through diet and lifestyle changes that increase regular exercise and reduce unhealthy dietary fat. Your body needs adequate, healthy fat to function well and your gallbladder is no exception.
Try trading processed, fried and hydrogenated fats for coconut oil, extra-virgin olive oil, nuts, seeds, and wild caught fish. Caffeine, alcohol and spicy foods are also known to irritate the gallbladder.
If you experience a gallbladder attack, sipping on water containing 3-4 teaspoons of fresh lemon juice or apple cider vinegar can immediately boost bile production and help bring immediate relief.
Effective Solution
Gallstones are manufactured in the liver when under toxic conditions bile becomes crystallized and precipitates to form what we call a gallstone.
The good news is that gallstones can be dissolved. There are effective gallbladder treatment solutions for aiding with gallbladder problems. One of such solutions is the Pulverexx Protocol that is able to work on both cholesterol and calcified gallstones and dissolves gallstones in the liver, gallbladder and at the mouth of the pancreas. The good news is that one pill is enough to start dissolving gallstones. The program is the only program able to eliminate gallbladder pain within hours.