Substances That May Trigger Gallstone Symptoms And Gall Bladder Pain
The gallbladder is located just below the liver and it is referred to as a biliary vesicle.
Physiology Of A Gallbladder
An adult has a gallbladder that is about eight centimeters in length and four centimeters in its diameter. The organ consists of three parts. There is the fundus, and the neck, and then the body. The neck tapers off and is connected to what is known as the biliary tree by means of the cystic duct. The cystic duct is connected to the common hepatic duct and this becomes what is known as the common bile duct. The most common gallstone symptoms that people experience happen when stones of hardened cholesterol or calcium get caught in the mucosal fold of the organ. This fold is known as the Hartmann’s pouch. When stones become lodged in the Hartmann’s pouch, people experience the gallbladder pain. Until this time, they are usually blissfully unaware of their presence. If the stones are small enough they may become dislodged on their own and are then passed through the body’s waste. However, if the gallstones are too many or larger in size, you require supplementation in order to help dissolve and break apart the gallstones. Most of the time the suggested method of treatment is surgical removal of the organ to correct the condition, but be forewarned even with the gallbladder removed, a gallbladder pain sufferer may still get pains months and even years after the operation.
Silent Gallstones
When you have gallstones present in your bile you may experience gallbladder pain. Just because you have the stones in the digestive system does not mean that you will ever feel the first twinge of pain.
Know Your Pain – What Causes Gallbladder Pain
Food Triggers For Gallbladder Attacks
It is advantageous to become aware that some of the foods they consume are the reasons they are experiencing gallbladder pain. Foods that are known to cause gallbladder attacks are egg, pork, onion, fowl, milk, coffee, citrus, corn, beans, and nuts.
A Natural Approach To Gallstones
Remember, gallbladder surgery is forever. You may not get an organ back one it is surgically removed, and yet you may still suffer with the same or worst symptoms as you did before the surgery. For a far more natural approach at dealing with gallstones, please do visit