Holistic Prevention Of Gallbladder Pain
You may have visited your family physician with concerns about gallbladder pain and received the usual recommendations: cut fat out of your diet, and plan to have the gallbladder surgically removed. Many people are strongly encouraged to go the surgical route, while being reassured that the body carries on just fine without a gallbladder. This is not the whole truth, however, and for those who understand the role that their gallbladder plays in efficient digestion, the desire to keep it and treat gallbladder symptoms naturally, is understandable.
Unfortunately, it is sometimes necessary to resort to surgery; An infected or ruptured gallbladder often requires surgical intervention and medical care. If your symptoms move beyond mild to moderate gallbladder pain, and lead to long periods of debilitating discomfort lasting several hours, or if you develop fever and chills, seek medical attention.
Recipes For Immediate Relief From Gallstone Symptoms
For those who are dealing with the occasional bout of abdominal cramping and gallbladder attack symptoms, there are some safe and natural ways that you can relieve the pain but help treat and prevent further gallstone formation.
1 half of a squeezed lemon or 8 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar diluted in a glass of apple juice can be sipped during an attack. These help to thin the bile and relieve discomfort. This is a natural gallstone treatment method that aids in the management of gallstones symptoms.
Ice packs or heating pads also help to relieve cramping and inflammation. Try placing either wrapped in protective layer, directly over the gallbladder.
Gallstones May Me Dissolved
There are some herbal combinations that dissolve both types of gallstones: cholesterol and calcified gallstones. The Pulverexx Protocol is one of such herbal formulas designed to dissolve all forms of gallstones from the liver, gallbladder, common bile duct and the mouth of the pancreas. It can also eliminate gallstone pain within hours. This program is not a management program, it is a gallstone dissolution program.
Ongoing Prevention Of Gallstone Development
Cut Out The Bad Fats
Peanut oil, corn, soy, canola, safflower and saturated animal fats. Replace them with coconut, extra virgin olive oil, flax, fish and fresh nuts and seeds. Avoid heavy and deep-fried foods, but once your symptoms have resolved you can reintroduce whole, natural animal fat such as butter and cream.
Cut Out Refined Carbs
This includes white flour, white sugar, high fructose corn syrup and all the delicious things made with them like cakes and cookies. These foods cause oxidative stress and damage to your digestive system. They are also extremely fattening.
Eliminate Caffeine
Caffeine has been linked to gallstones and gallbladder problems. There is an ongoing debate about how much caffeine is “ok” but if you are having gallbladder pain, cut the caffeine out completely until your symptoms resolve, then slowly reintroduce as tolerated.
Minimize your Alcohol Intake
One glass of wine per day may be alright according to some studies but keep in mind that alcohol is processed by your liver and regular drinking causes damage and stress.
Aspartame: Not that Sweet For Your Liver
Aspartame is plentiful in soft drinks, chewing gum, candy, flavored yogurt and other food items. It is known for many toxic and damaging effects and gallbladder disease is one of them.
NSAID Medication
Chronic use of NSAID pain medications stress the liver and impair its function. These include Advil, Motrin and Aspirin.
Hormone Replacement Therapy & Birth Control Pills
Being female is unfortunately, a major risk factor for gallstones. Estrogen dominance plays a major role and so women who are taking hormone replacement therapy, who have IUDs, take birth control pills, or who are pregnant, will often experience higher incidences of gallbladder pain. If you do not need these treatments, you may want to consider discontinuing them to reduce your risk. If hormone therapy is necessary for you, talk to your doctor about low-dose or natural alternatives.