Gallbladder Symptoms
What are some of the lesser known gall bladder symptoms associated with toxic gall bladder stone formation and what factors play and important role in their development? How to minimize or eliminate them.
Most articles on gall bladder symptoms give you a list of common symptoms and perhaps describe how they come about, but they never give you viable solutions beyond “seek medical advise.” In this article you will not only be shown why these symptoms come about, but how you may minimize or eliminate them altogether.
This website is dedicated to helping you find solutions to gall bladder attacks, gall bladder problems and all related symptoms.
Environmental Factor:
In today’s modern society toxicity-related diseases and are growing to epidemic proportions. Diseases and symptoms that result from environmental toxic exposure often go unreported as such because they manifest as common ailments and rarely is there any effort put forth to search for their cause of the symptoms.
The accumulation of external environmental toxins such as pesticides, herbicides, heavy metals (arsenic, lead, mercury etc.), industrial or household chemicals is sometimes slow, cumulative and progressive. They can affect a person over time and contribute to the development of degenerative diseases and related symptoms. Many of these environmental poisons can be inhaled or ingested and even absorbed thru the skin. Numerous studies have associated environmental toxins to specific musculoskeletal disorder, which includes arthritis, Parkinson’s disease, cancer, fibromyalgia, diabetes, chronic fatigue, digesteve related symptoms and many others.
Diet Factor:
Then there is the diet factor or the over consumption of junk foods, refined carbohydrates, sugar and excess protein and food additives which leads to the formation of cholesterol deposits that overtime crystallize to form gall bladder stones.
The liver and gall bladder have accumulated residues of year’s worth of waste in the form of fatty cholesterol deposits and precipitated toxic gall bladder stones. That is because 75% of all detoxification in the body takes place in the liver and the remainder is done in the GI tract. It is in the liver that gall bladder stones begin to form.
Silent gallbladder stones:
Just because one is not exhibiting the gall bladder symptoms and gall bladder pain typically associated with a gall bladder attack, does not exempt one from having them. Gall bladder stones and fatty deposits in the liver may be present, without one necessarily exhibiting outward gall bladder and liver symptoms normally related to liver and gall bladder congestion.
There are two types of gall bladder stones, calcified and cholesterol gall bladder stones. The first are easily detected via ultrasound because they are high in calcium, a mineral used by the body to chelate, isolate and precipitate harmful toxins within the body. Then there is the cholesterol deposits in both, their more fluid state and crystallized forms; these account for 80% of all gall bladder stones and are virtually undetected by conventional ultrasound tests because they resemble surrounding fluid (bile) in composition. Only when there is an extensive buildup of these deposits, will they show up as a fatty liver and related symptoms.
It is only when the liver is suffering from extensive gall bladder stones obstruction that the body begins to manifest outward signs and of trouble. That is when gall bladder symptoms and other ailments begin to occur or appear.
Very rarely is the liver function taken into consideration when seemingly far removed conditions such as acne or fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue and countless others symptoms, are encountered. The presence of silent gall bladder stones and liver congestion are frequently overlooked and rarely seen as the culprits in the formation of disease except when gall bladder symptoms such as intestinal discomfort or a gall bladder attack accompany it, and then seldom is a solution or viable treatment offered beyond prescriptions or the recommendation to have gall bladder surgery as a means to cease the attack.
So how do you know if you have gall bladder stones?
Typical Gall Bladder Symptoms – Signs To Look For If You Have Gall Bladder stones
Top Indicators or symptoms:
✔ Dull pain on the right side
✔ Diarrhea
✔ Digestive disorders
✔ Headaches and migraines
✔ Cuts or wounds that keep
bleeding and refuse to heal
✔ Acid Reflux
✔ Constipation
✔ Excessive weight gain
✔ Excessive wasting
✔ Yellowness of eyes & skin
✔ Dark color under the eyes
✔ Hair loss
✔ Dizziness and fainting spells
Digestive Related Markers and symptoms:
✔ High cholesterol
✔ Low appetite
✔ Food cravings
✔ Clay-colored stool
✔ Hernia
✔ Nausea and vomiting
✔ Flatulence
✔ Hemorrhoids
Physical Markers and symptoms:
✔ Loss of muscle tone
✔ Hot and cold flushes
✔ Morbid complexion
✔ Puffy eyes
✔ Excessive heat and perspiration in the upper part of the body
✔ Tongue that is glossy or coated in white or yellow
✔ Skin disorder
✔ Very greasy hair
✔ Problems with vision
✔ Tooth and gum problems
✔ Liver spots, especially those on the back of hands and facial area
Muscular/Joint Related Markers and symptoms:
✔ Stiffness of joints and muscles
✔ Strong shoulder and back pain
✔ Pain at the top of a shoulder blade
✔ Pain between the shoulder blades
✔ Frozen shoulder
✔ Stiff neck
✔ Cold extremities
✔ Sciatica
✔ Numbness and paralysis of legs
✔ Joint diseases
✔ Knee problems
Emotional/Sleep Related Markers and symptoms:
✔ A ‘bilious’ or angry personality
✔ Difficulty sleeping, insomnia
✔ Nightmares
✔ Depression
Other Indicators and symptoms:
✔ Difficulty breathing
✔ Most infections
✔ Urinary problems
✔ Hormonal imbalances
✔ Sexual problems
✔ Menstrual and menopausal disorders
Serious Gall Bladder Symptoms And Disorders Related To Excessive Gallstone Formation
Liver cirrhosis
Heart disease
Brain disorders
Duodenal ulcers
Chronic Fatigue
Kidney diseases
MS and FMS
Alzheimer’s disease
Prostate diseases
Guidelines To Minimize Or Eliminate Gall Bladder Symptoms And Gallbladder Stone Formations
There are certain diets and lifestyles that increase the incidence of gallbladder stone formation and the occurrence of gallbladder symptoms. These are:
✘ Eating too much food in one meal
✘ Eating too much food too frequently
✘ Eating too heavy meals too early or too late in the evenings
✘ Skipping Meals
✘ Not drinking enough water
✘ Overconsumption of Protein
✘ Environmental toxins such as: Fluoride, chlorine, monosodium-glutamate
✘ Overconsumption of dairy products
✘ Alcohol
✘ Hydrogenated oils and the processed foods that contain them
✘ Refined carbohydrates: such as sweeteners (sugar, high fructose corn syrup, etc), beverages (sodas, highly sweetened fruit juices), Junk foods and other ‘noon foods’, white flour and other processed grains (There is a lot of comprehensive info on the net about these. Learn about them and save yourself some pain and symptoms later).
✘ Sugars: table sugar, sugar alcohols, artificial sweeteners: Aspartame (NutraSweet, Equal, Spoonful, and Equal-Measure) Nearly everything processed is laden with sugar or its substitutes. Learn the facts about them and avoid them like the plague unless you want your symptoms to get worse.
Minimizing or eliminating the above will help diminish or prevent gall bladder stone formations and gall bladder symptoms because they cause excessive formation of fatty deposits and toxins in the liver.
Removal of the gall bladder will not prevent these toxins from accumulating in and impairing your body over time. If you have ever partaken of any of the above practices and diets you are likely going to have an accumulation of toxins in eliminatory organs such as the intestinal track and purification organs such as the liver.
Conducting gradual and regular detoxification (detox) of your eliminating organs including your liver and gall bladder will not only remove the cause of many symptoms but will help purge toxic gall bladder stones and other deposits from the liver, gall bladder and other detoxification pathways. Cleanse your body on a regular basis and avoid symptoms.
Consider the as one of your alternatives for ridding your body of accumulated toxins and crystalized gall bladder stone deposits and relieving gallstone/liver symptoms. The Pulverexx Protocol™ is a program that dissolves both types of gall bladder stones, cholesterol based as well as Calcified or Pigmented gall bladder stones. It also helps you purge any sludge accumulation in the gallbladder that may be causing digestive symptoms.