Gallbladder Treatment: Acupuncture Treatments For Gallbladder Attacks
The gallbladder, a small, oblong organ located just below the liver, stores bile which is used to break down fats and make fat soluble vitamins easier to absorb. When stimulated by the meals we eat, the gallbladder releases bile into the small intestine where it can help to emulsify fats.
Gallstones are formed of cholesterol and other debris which creates tiny particles in the gallbladder, or large stones the size of golf balls. This can be a serious, even life-threatening situation and patients with cholecystitis, (gallbladder inflammation) will usually have surgery to remove the gallbladder.
Patient will typically become aware of gallbladder problems if they have pain, mostly on the upper right side of the abdomen, pain following meals or intolerance of fatty foods. Nausea, vomiting and loss of appetite can also be common due to gallstones. Gallbladder attacks case pain in the upper right side of the abdomen and in serious cases, jaundice or yellowing of the skin and eyes may occur.
Risk Factors For Gallstone Formation
Risk factors for development of gallstones include hormone fluctuations.
Women & Pregnancy
Women appear to be at higher risk of developing gallstones, and pregnancy is also a risk for gallstone formation. Mothers appear to have an increased risk related to number of pregnancies, however that risk may be offset by breastfeeding.
Obesity and drastic weight fluctuations including rapid weight loss, can also lead to gallstone formation.
Traditional Medical Gallbladder Treatments
Ultrasound testing is used to diagnose and oral medications such as:
Ursodeoxycholic Acid And Monooctanoin
Ursodeoxycholic acid and monooctanoin are sometimes traditionally prescribed in attempt to dissolve small gallstones. This drug must be taken for years.
Shock Wave Therapy
Shock wave therapy, or lithotripsy is also used to break up stones. to break up stones, but . Because Gallstones often return, laparoscopic surgical removal is usually the ultimate treatment. Many people would rather avoid surgery if possible. The downside is that the frequencies used to dissolve the gallstones cannot be contained and affect other organs.
Chinese Medicine – Acupuncture
There is hope for effective, less-invasive gallbladder treatment in traditional Chinese medicine as acupuncture for gallstone treatment gains popularity. The World Health Organization endorses acupuncture to alleviate pain related to gallbladder cholecystitis and stones. Acupuncture can be beneficial to relieve spasms, ease bile flow, and restore optimal liver and gallbladder function.
Acupuncture for relieving gallbladder and biliary pain has been well-researched and though some aspects can still be mysterious in western medicine, the invisible meridians and acupuncture points which are stimulated specifically for gallbladder treatment do provide noticeable, measurable results in most cases.
Alternative therapies and acupuncture have been effectively used as a gallbladder treatment for nearly 5000 years. These alternative therapy is used to reduce gallstone symptoms.
Other Alternative Gallbladder Treatments
There are gallbladder treatments that help manage gallbladder symptoms, and then there are natural programs that address the problem at the root. The Pulverexx Protocol helps to dissolve the gallstones that cause the pain and inflammation. It is a one month program and it effectively works at dissolving and purging gallstones from the liver, gallbladder, bile ducts and at the mouth of the pancreas.